most Amazing Places
Tariffs in Puerto Calero
Berthing rates
Visitor berthing tariffs in Puerto Calero for monohulls are based on a modular system according to berth size.
Berthing Offers
The first marina to be created in Lanzarote, Puerto Calero is proud to have been welcoming sailing visitors to the island for over 40 years. Take advantage of our long-stay offers for a secure, comfortable and friendly base for your yacht.
Transatlantic visitors
If you need a safe refuge for a min. three-month stopover, Puerto Calero enjoys a reputation as the most naturally protected yacht harbour in the Canaries:
- Monohulls (≤16m LOA): Daily rate: 0.42€/m². Min. occupancy 90 days. Min. monthly rate: 750€). €. (Includes water, wifi and electricity).
Homeport offer
Six-month and annual berthing packages are currently available. (Min. occupancy 180 days).
- Monohulls (≤16m LOA): Daily rate: 0.40€/m² Min. monthly rate 250€. (Includes water, wifi and electricity)
- Multihulls (≤16m LOA): 0.38€/m² (Includes water, wifi and electricity)
An additional 5% discount is applied with prepayment for the first 6 months and a 10% discount is applied with prepayment of annual contracts.
Once the minimum 6-month period has ended, payment can be continued via monthly direct debit or a three-month bank transfer.
Benefits include:
- Up to three weeks’ reciprocal berthing in sister marinas (Marina Lanzarote and Marina La Palma)
Cruising Groups and Associations
If you are a member of any of these associations, do let us know to see if we can apply a short-term discount.
Prepayment discounts for long-term occupancy
We offer a series of discounts with prepayment for longer stays. This simply means paying for your stay upon arrival. One berthing extension of 7 days is permitted at the same rate. Please take care to pay this either before or on the last day of your previous contract.
Wifi, electricity, water & storage
In Puerto Calero these services are included in the berthing fee for boats less than 20m LOA. With vessels of ≥20m, electricity is charged separately at 60€ (+IGIC) for a three-phase connection further to 0.30€/kW. Water use is also charged at .0045€/lt. (Min. charge: 5€).
Storage lockers (sized approx 2m x 2m x 2m) can be rented from the Marina Office at a cost of 90.15€ per month.
For a wifi internet access code, please request this in the marina office.
Local taxes (IGIC)
7% IGIC – or local Canarian VAT – is applicable to all tariffs shown here.
Reservations, Discounts and Tariff Validity
- We recommend that where possible, you make a reservation using the form provided in this site.
- Discounts and special offers are not available to commercially registered vessels, and subject to payment of berthing fees made upon arrival
- Reciprocal berthing and other offers are subject to availability
- Rates and offers shown here are valid for reservations made before the 31st December, 2023.
Can we help?
If you require any further information on rates in the marina please contact us by sending an email or by phone.